Jason Fried: Why work doesn’t happen at work

I think we all have experienced trying to work on a project or something at the office only to be interrupted. In this 15 min video, Jason Fried discusses some of the distractions in the office that restrict work. He talks about the difference between optional distractions and distractions that are forced upon us.

I agree with most of his statements, I do like the thought of meetings with only a few people. I think this helps to keep all members involved. In large groups it is easy for members just to sit back and basically waste time. I do think that emails, sms, chat, etc… is nice because you can address it at a time of your choosing, but, we need to make sure that those communications are short, precise and clear. Often messages are misunderstood or simply skimmed over. Readers also need to do their part to set aside time to really focus on their messages.


  • Try to have shorter meetings with only essential people.
  • Structure and plan your meetings so they are meaningful.
  • When you have a meeting, try to wrap up your thoughts 20-30 min before it starts, make notes so you know where to resume working when you get back.  Also try to have 5 min to prepare your mind for the meeting so you can make meaningful contributions.
  • Have scheduled time for checking your emails and let coworkers know when that is.
  • Write short, precise and clear messages so they are easy to understand.
  • Read and make sure you understand your messages.